Come and EXPERIENCE the Worship, the Word and His Presence
Come and EXPERIENCE the Worship, the Word and His Presence
Experiencing Christ in Worship, in the Word and His Presence is the most wonderful thing.
The Worship
The Worship
The Word
The Word
His Presence
His Presence
The FAITH POWER GLOBAL CHURCH, INC. is more than just a church; it is a place where the POWER of God has been DEMONSTRATED to bring TRANSFORMATION, RESTORATION, and HEALING to lives. They are committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by preaching the Word of God and demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit. They create an atmosphere for people to encounter God's presence and experience His divine influence in every aspect of their lives. FAITH POWER GLOBAL CHURCH, INC. is where individuals can be equipped to live a purposeful and impactful life filled with the assurance of God's love and guidance.
The ministry was established because of an open vision granted to the servant of God during June 1991. The vision took place while in fellowship with other believers, he saw the hand of God whiter than anything he has ever seen. God's hand began to mold him, and he became as white as his hands, and then God commanded him in the vision to "Go and bring His people by preaching the word of God and by demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit." Therefore, in the vision, he went out and came back with countless numbers of people.
In fact, exactly ten years later, on July 29, 2001, the vision became a reality, and the first service was a Sunday service with seventeen people in attendance. from that day, it has been growing steadily, to God be the glory!
The ministry through the leadership of God's servant Pastor Richard E. Aregbor has conducted and is still conducting several outreaches in Africa and abroad with National and International Guest Speakers. He also reaches out through his evangelistic programs, live weekly radio broadcasts, door-to-door evangelism, audio, and printed formats.
Church Services in Different Locations
Sundays: 11:00 A.M.
Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M.
Sundays: 9:00 A.M.
Wednesdays: 5:00 P.M.
Fridays: 5:00 P.M.
Sundays: 10:00 A.M.
Wednesdays: 5:00 P.M.
Fridays: 5:00 P.M.
United States of America
1510 South Hamilton Road, Columbus, Ohio 43227
150 Eradiawa Road
Off Sapele Road
Benin City, Edo State
15 Toe Avenue
Gaye Town, Old Road
Monrovia, Liberia
Tithes and Offering
Don't wait anymore, call today for prayer and counselling
(614) 670 -1436
Our Anchor Scripture
And Stephen, full of FAITH and POWER, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Act 6:8 KJV